Municipal Forestry Services
“Forest with a sense of belonging ”
Our Services
Urban/rural communities forestry is a relatively new and emerging concept that does not just include trees but rather all vegetation along rivers, streets, plazas, community gardens, wetlands and retaining ponds and industrial and residential areas. Our approach starts with a vision for the future of forest and people’s need, based on today’s realities. We always start with the question-
“If you fly over this area 50 years from now, what would you like to see?”
With our 25 years experience of every aspect of forest management, we offer a full spectrum of services to Summer Villages, Towns, Counties and Cities:
- Development of sustainable forest/tree management plan
- Develop strategies for native forest management, restoration and mitigation plans
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plans and strategies
- Economic, Social and Environmental Impact forest assessments
- Evolve industrial/commercial area into– “ Re-Forest and Re-Green” concept
- Tree retention and site assessment during land development
- Street and park tree inventories
- Historical tree protection and evaluation
- Develop public and stakeholder engagement plans

Municipal Forest Managment Plan
Well over 50% of the world’s population lives in urban areas. Creating a green, resilient and sustainable municipal landscape infrastructure requires a strong vision and strategic planning. Our approach is to meet your needs in the municipal forest management journey. We can help you from any starting point in this process